10% of sales made from Adelin's items will be donated to WRSFV, Canada.

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Changes & Updates

Hello everyone!
As you can see, Adelin and I have been inactive for the last few years. Life gets busy, creativity fluctuates, and we were at a bit of a standstill.
However Adelin and I have both been feeling creative again, and so we wanted to update everyone on the blog's new changes: 
  1. "Canada + Singapore" has been renamed "Across the Sea"! You can find us on Facebook by searching for "Across the Sea", or you can click here.
  2. Adelin & I will no longer be posting to this blog. We will, however, keep it open so that you our fans can look through our old pieces. We still have many pieces that haven't sold, so if you see something you like, please feel free to ask if it's still available! :)
  3. It's still a work in progress, but we're working on getting Across the Sea going on Instagram. We have no posts yet, but you can follow us on Instagram at acrossxthexsea. Keep your eyes posted for our newest pieces, to be revealed soon!

As always, we thank our old and new fans, and our customers, for their support. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment here or post on our Facebook page.


~ Adelin & Nicole


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