10% of sales made from Adelin's items will be donated to WRSFV, Canada.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

27 Oct 2009 - Lack of Updates

Firstly, Adelin would like to apologize for the lack of updates on her jewelry uploads.

Nicole will be having a craft fair in late November and she has invited me to send some of my stuff over! Being excited, I rummaged through my unsold collection and have picked a fair amount of jewelry to stuff her booth. :P All of my rings will be sent over, together with 6 necklaces, 11 bracelets and 16 pairs of ear rings.

I busied myself with the printing of card stocks, name cards and vouchers. The first 45 customers who buy our items at the fair will be given a 10% voucher (for all items) to be used online! And the best thing is, there's no expiry date!

Getting excited right? :D

More details about the fair will be released in mid November. Please pardon us as I continue to package my items on my end and Nicole with her studies. ;)


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